Alien Lights utilizes the state-of-the-art best fit technology from cloud platform, System on a Chip, and the Internet of Things.
We set out with one goal in mind: to create the most advanced, secure, and environmentally friendly lighting system in the world. We strive to over-engineer every component to provide maximum backend flexibility, end-to-end user support, and artist ease of creation.
Alien Lights is a community of imaginations run wild and our mission is to support creativity through flexibility, easy of use, clear instructions, and support.
We are tired of buying cheap junk and seeing perfectly good lights in the trash. We aim to change the standard for affordable lights by making them beautiful, updatable, reusable, and recyclable.
In 2019 the FBI recommended that all IoT devices should exist on a separate network from all other devices. The Alien Lights system creates its own scale out network with zero trust client isolation which is utilized to securely control and report light states in real time. A hacked IoT device has the potential to be extremely nefarious and Alien Lights is squashing this unnerving security hole.
Alien Lights compiles and delivers custom firmware over-the-air to fleets of endpoints, allowing users to completely customize their own system with the features that matter to them, rather than baking in every feature possible on every single device. This allows us to preserve the finite memory available on IoT microcontrollers while storing huge amounts of functionality in the Alien Lights Nexus.
Alien Lights is able to coordinate and scale out lighting configuration and effects to huge numbers of lighting controllers -- even when existing on different networks. The underlying technology was designed to handle millions of Motherships, and each Alien Lights Drone can control thousands of individual lights wired to any of 2 connectors.
Our stack allows us to rapidly develop and roll out updates to each component of the Alien Lights system. This concept is completely new to LED lighting and opens up all kinds of possibilities in rapid prototyping and research and development. This also drastically increases the value proposition of Alien Lights because they continuously and automatically become better and smarter over time. Just like real aliens.